Joana Solà - Entomophilia

Z.H. Gill - The Internet of Things

Megan Walsh - Woman Eats Dollhouse

Jude Armstrong - South of Steve’s Navel

Judith Skillman - Self Portrait with Pain

Elissa Fertig - On Suffering

Alannah Benae - Southern Graves

Diane Dooley - A Prince of New England

Matt Weatherbee - The Air Mattress

Ollie Swasey - The Happiest Girl in the Whole USA

Cletus Crow - Mercy, Sunday, Do It Again

Hudson Wilding - Abrasions

Kurt Newton - For Those Who Suffer from Consciousness

Mads Levshakoff - First Hard Frost

Camden Hunt - milder than cream

Dave Sims - Piss Boy

Joshua Martin - Degree of Distant Gauntlets

Thomas Osatchoff - Strawberry Syncope

D. H. S. R. - poets who grew up in the boonies be like

Lee Pearson - Überaffekrieg

NM Whitley - Hank Eltz, the Singer

Maggie Ackers - snuff said.

Jon Doughboy - Prufrock Blows His Load

badfuta - blue

GRSTALT Comms - Posing With Your Own Tombstone

j ambrose - WORLD’S WORST ORGY